Page 4 - AAMHC Summer 2015 Final Version
P. 4

For those who monitor African American Methodist                        Dr. Cheryl   ), Bishop Ernest Lyght of New Jersey, the Rev. David
history, here are several suggestions:                                    Walker,    Briddell, all sons of the old Delaware Conference
                                                                         Dr. John    remembered highlights, honored heroes and
 Review web pages to be sure that the “whole                             Wright,    challenged attendees to continue building the
      story” is told. If a page contains only selective information it    Rev. Dr.   “beloved community” and making disciples of Jesus
      should be so identified—example: “A list of white pastors” or       Joseph     Christ. The Rev. Fred Day, General Secretary of the
      “A list of Southern Methodist pastors.”                             Wilson,    General Commission on Archives and History of the
                                                                         Ms. Anne    United Methodist Church also brought greetings. At
 Contact the web page producer if the page contains                     Fleming     the event, held at the historic Tindley Temple in
      omissions or misstatements and identify the problem. Be            Williams    Philadelphia, Bishop Peggy Johnson welcomed
      cordial and pursue a positive outcome in the                       (Member     hundreds of members and guests to this momentous
      communication.                                                    Emeritus);   event. – Excepts from Eastern PA Conference, NewsSpirit
                                                                        Executive    Digest, March 11, 2015 issue
 Assume the misinformation is not adversarial, but make sure            Assistant
      that the producer understands why the flaw is not                  Ms. Carol                       OUR
      acceptable.                                                         Travis.                        TREASURE

 Offer to help collect accurate data since the web page                    The                                         Letting Others
      producer may not be aware of sources. Educate for a 21st            AAMHC                                         Help Us
      century outlook.                                                    Journal
                                                                                     Some of you may know me as a “pack-rat,” a gentle
 Revisit the web page to be certain that appropriate                        is      description of a hoarder. Looking through my hoard of
      adjustments have been made and that accuracy and                  published    things I came across a January/February 1986 issue of
      currency are maintained.                                                       Alive Now!, a devotional publication still published by
                                                                          several    the Upper Room of the United Methodist Church’s
- Elaine Parker Adams, AAMHC Marketing and                                times a    Discipleship Ministries. My attention was captured by
Communications Committee member, can be                                 year by the  an item created by Ray Council, then a UMC pastor
reached at                                               African    from Middle Tennessee:
                                     50TH                               Methodist    God’s Sacred Trust –
                                                                         Heritage    “To deprive others of the least opportunity to give to
                                     CELEBRATION                          Center;    us what they desire for us to have, the benefits of that
                                                                          AAMHC      treasure of their inner goodness and grace, is to hold
                                     OF THE                                          back from them God’s sacred trust of which they are
                                                                             36      heirs.”
                                     PENINSULA-                          Madison     It was a reminder to me that I need to be ever vigilant
                                                                         Avenue,     in offering to others the opportunity to support the
                                     DELAWARE                            P. O. Box   on-going ministry of the African American Methodist
L-R: Bishops Ernest Lyght, Susan                                                     Heritage Center.
Morrison, Peggy Johnson, Violet                                             127;
                                                                         Madison,    You are invited to make financial contributions to
CONFERENCEFisher, Woodie White; Courtesy of                             NJ 07940.    undergird our ministry and the several projects that
the Peninsula-Delaware  Conf. April 25, 2015                              E-mail:    are underway. You are invited to make gifts in
Comm. Office                                                             aamhc@      memory of persons who are a part of the historical
                                                               ;    stream of African Americans in Methodism. You are
On Saturday, April 25, 2015 over 200 people gathered at                              invited to make gifts in honor of persons presently a
Whatcoat United Methodist Church in Dover, Delaware,                       www.      part of living out our Methodist story. You are invited
to celebrate its history as the first annual conference                  AAMHC-      to share your treasure as a token of appreciation for
formed for African Americans in the segregated                ;     the blessings you have received.
Methodist Church. In 1965 it was the first African                      (973) 408-   We welcome contributions in the way of checks
American annual conference to merge and become a                                     payable to AAMHC and mailed to the African
desegregated and new Peninsula-Delaware Conference                         3862.     American Methodist Heritage Center, 36 Madison
within the denomination. Bishop Woodie White was the                                 Avenue, P.O. Box 127, Madison, NJ 07940. Your
keynote preacher. Bishop Peggy Johnson was the host                                  support of this ministry is greatly appreciated and we
bishop for the event.                                                                receive it as a sign that you share in the sacred trust
                                                                                     of which we all are heirs.
                                     OF THE                                          - Barbara Ricks Thompson is the President
                                     DELAWARE                                        of AAMHC and can be reached at
L-R: Rev. David Briddell, Rev. Fred
Day, Rev. Herbert Palmer, Bishop     May 30, 2015
Gregory Palmer, Bishop Ernest
Lyght, Rev. Robert Johnson, Bishop   “A Century of
Peggy Johnson; Photo courtesy of     Commitment, A Legacy of
Melanie Dupree, Tindley Temple

Love” was the theme of a joyous celebration of the former

Delaware Annual Conference on May 30, 2015, the

segregated but beloved conference of black Methodists in
the region from 1864 until it merged in 1965. Philadelphia-
born Bishop Gregory Palmer, Rev. Herbert Palmer (his Dad
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