Page 3 - AAMHC Summer 2015 Final Version
P. 3
program and operations and a project manager. As the Recognition economic and political institutions - and how to
denomination gets ready for General Conference 2016 in understand the fallenness of these institutions.”
Portland the caucus will again be an active participant of both
with the Love Your Neighbor Coalition in pushing for the struggle ARCHIE
passage of legislation. BMCR will be working in this MOORE, JR.
regard with the other four US-based ethnic caucuses. & contributions DIES
The ethnic caucuses - BMCR, MARCHA (Methodists of African Board Member Will
Associated Representing the Cause of Hispanic Americans
Americans), the National Federation of Asian American has ebbed Be Missed
United Methodists, the Native American International and flowed
Caucus, and the Pacific Islander National Caucus of over the past Archie Moore, Jr, a member
United Methodists - had a historic first joint gathering 275 years. of the Board of Directors of
last year. One of the results is a video series called "I The AAMHC AAMHC, died on May 19, 2015. Archie, a native of
Too, Am United Methodist.” The video is available ministry is to Arkansas, loved life and his hometown of Little Rock,
at help ensure Arkansas. He was a collector, historian, community
that accurate developer, philanthropist, church trustee, and
- Dr. Larry R. Hygh, Jr. lifelong member of Wesley Chapel United Methodist
representation Church. He had one of the largest one-of-a kind
Hygh is director of communications for the 360 churches and 78,000 collections of African American memorabilia in the
members of the California-Nevada Annual Conference and can be of that story state of Arkansas. He loved to travel and sell items
reached at is preserved throughout the Southwest region at antique shows
& examined. and had clients all over the nation. He will be greatly
Rev. Dr. WEB
Honors and Books Abound Gilbert WATCH
Dr. Elaine Parker Adams has presented her book, The Ms. Angella Half-truths
Reverend Peter W. Clark: Sweet Preacher and Steadfast Current and Un-
Reformer, at two Authors of the Bayou events held at Felder, Rev. truths Online
Calcasieu Parish Public Libraries in Lake Charles and Fred Day,
Sulphur, LA. This Louisiana Notable Book can be Rev. Dr. Half-truths and untruths can live forever on the
purchased at your local or online bookseller and gives James Ferree, Web. This problematic data may be distributed
the biography of a 19th century African American Rev. Dr. John unintentionally, but the result can still be ignorance
pioneer in Louisiana Methodism. Heyward, Dr. and confusion. The web page producer describes a
Cynthia Bond world narrowed by limited vision that the
Rev. Dr. James Lyles has released his first book, Hard Hopson, unfortunate reader then absorbs and often shares.
Trials, Great Tribulations, A Black Preacher’s Pilgrimage Ms. Ruth An example of this would be the historical reports
from Poverty and Segregation to the 21st Century. Board Lawson, that omit the roles played in events by people of
member, Dr. Cornish Rogers says “James Lyles has Ms. Cecelia diverse races or ethnicities. From the reporting, one
written an absorbing memoir of his life beginning as an Long, would think that the world was entirely composed of
impoverished child in Depression-era Arkansas and Mr. Donald the dominant group.
eventually becoming a highly educated and well- This situation was encountered in a list of 19th
traveled religious leader in a major Protestant Lusk, Century Louisiana Methodist Pastors posted on a
denomination. He was one of the first five black Rev. Dr. Methodist archival web site. A review of the names
graduates of Perkins School of Theology, SMU, Dallas. Walter and photos indicated that the pastors all were white
He earned a doctorate at McCormick Seminary in McKelvey, men, which would have been true of the Southern
Chicago. Dr. Arnold Methodist Church. However, African American
Parks, pastors were also active in Louisiana during the
Board member Dr. James Shopshire was recently Rev. Dr. nineteenth century as part of the Northern
honored by Wesley Theological Seminary with the Cornish Methodists.
Institute for Community Engagement’s Partnership Rogers,
Award. Dr. Sam Marullo, Director of Research on Dr. James An email exchange with the site webmaster revealed
Missional Communities at Wesley, offered a word of Shopshire, that the page was developed from data based on the
thanks for Dr. Shopshire’s “inspirational leadership at Bishop previously divided church. There was no evil intent,
Wesley Seminary.” He also noted “how his gifts of Forrest C. just limited vision that was quickly corrected. But
sociological imagination and his analytical skills, imagine the consequences if the list had retained its
combined with his graciousness and tenacity, have Stith myopic depiction. Readers would have missed the
helped shape our Wesley curriculum in a way that makes (President powerful contribution of the African American
us a leading edge institution of theological education. Emeritus), pastors to the development of Methodism in 19th
For more than 30 years Dr. Shopshire has brought his Ms. Barbara century Louisiana. Continued on the following page…
sociological insights and training to bear on shaping
church leaders so that they understand the reality of Ricks
powers and principalities in the world - our social and Thompson,